Let's Build Your Business a Strong Foundation



Accurate and organized numbers are vital to the growth and development of your business. 

We will clean up and organize your financials to give us a clear view of where your money is coming and going so we can help you spend less and earn more.  

Custom Reports

Once your financials are organized, we’ll customize them so they are easy to understand.  

Each month or quarter, you’ll receive your financial reports so that you have the most recent information you need to make confident business decisions.  

Advisory Services

Monthly Reports are great, but conversations are even better. 

We will review your business’ financial performance, compare it to other businesses in your industry, and discuss any areas where there is room for improvement. 

Quick answers

Frequently Asked Questions

Having a bookkeeper take care of your day-to-day tasks and month end processes ensuring all your businesses financials are in order when it’s time to file taxes will significantly cut down on how much you have to pay your accountant. Accountants typically bill by the hour and that amount can add up quick if they are having to sort through a bookkeeping mess to file your taxes.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and like you can’t keep up with the growth of your small business and stay on top of your books or if you just do not have a good understanding of your businesses financials. Knowledge is power, even when it comes to small details, if you don’t have a bookkeeper, you probably aren’t being as strategic as you could be in how you spend your money. 

Hiring an in-house bookkeeper can cost an average of $38,000 annually, our services are much more cost effective than that. Typically our services are also tax-deductible for most businesses as well. Bear Creek Bookkeeping does not bill by the hour and we have no hidden fees. We value being honest and fair with our rates. Wanting to get a bookkeeping quote for your business? Feel free to schedule a time to talk with us.

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